
Showing posts from December, 2018

10 Creepy Unsolved Mysteries Of The Mountains

For millions of years, the   mountains  have loomed above us, holding their chilling secrets in the clouds just out of our reach. However, as time goes on, humans make more progress toward unlocking answers to the world’s greatest puzzles. Even so, some of the most unsettling mysteries are lying on the colossal faces of the Earth’s mountains. 10 The Dyatlov Pass Incident In 1959, on Siberia’s notorious  Dyatlov Pass  (aka “Death Mountain”), nine young Russian students on a skiing trip disappeared and were later found dead under extremely mysterious circumstances. The group had been missing for weeks, and a rescue team was sent to find them. However, what they found was not at all what they expected. The group’s tents had been slashed open, with all the equipment still inside in almost pristine condition. Numerous sets of footprints led out into the snow. The first bodies, which were completely frozen, were found almost 1.6 kilometers (1 mi) away, next to the remnants of

10 Ways We Could Get Messages From Advanced Aliens

Humanity has yet to be contacted by any life from beyond our planet. Ignoring  Area 51  truthers and UFO sightings, we have received zero messages from any life—no ETs, no Ewoks, nothing. Given the incredible advances in technology in the past 100 years, there is a good chance that aliens who became spacefaring civilizations even a few hundred years before us would be unimaginably more advanced than we are now. We have thought of many different ways to transmit messages across the cosmos. So if super-advanced aliens wanted to communicate with us, here are some ways they could do it. 10 Plain Old Radio Waves This is what first comes to most people’s minds when they think of communicating with  aliens . Receiving messages in this form is the subject of many books and movies, like  Contact  or  Independence Day , and it is a good start. After all, we’ve been playing around with radio waves for over a century, and we’ve become rather good at it. Plenty of serious sc